Friday, August 17, 2012

Starting a blog?

Because I don't have enough going on, I thought I'd start a blog about me, my family, cloth diapering, going to Disney and all goings on in our life.  Check back often as I will be discussing the following:
1- My decision to cloth diaper Sophie, and anything related to cloth diapering. I am a huge advocate on this subject so please feel free to ask questions and know that by no means am I an expert, but I am having fun becoming one :)
2- Going to Disney with children, especially a newborn. I love giving advice about Disney, so ask away.
3- Breastfeeding, babywearing, recycling, composting, anything related to going green. That is a huge part of our lives right now and we want to make the best decisions possible for these little humans running our lives :)

Thanks for visiting and come back soon!


  1. Great into, sis! I'm looking forward to seeing a collection of all your great tricks, tips and pix of your beautiful family :)
